It's been a tough but enlightening experience to say the least. Whether I was battling with learning disabilities or medical issues, I made it to the finish line. Unless you have been by my side through these past 7 years, you may not know how difficult this journey has been for my family, friends, and me.
I first found out I had ADD when I was about 20 years old and on the brink of academic dismissal. In college it's kind of like a 3 strikes your out of college rule. I first got on academic probation for my poor grades, then once I was there they move on to a warning and if your grades do not improve from there, you have to see a tough lady in Academic Advising who reviews each case individually and decides whether you are dismissed from the university or if you are given one more chance. I was lucky enough to think fast and plead her my case, that's when the battery of tests from my physician and several psychologists began.
That's when I was officially diagnosed with ADD and Dyscalculia ( the disability of math or numbers).
With the help of the amazing people in the disabilities office at FIU, I made it through the prerequisite courses and was off to take classes in my chosen major. Public Relations. Once I started taking classes in my major, I knew this is what I wanted to do. I would eventually like to use my degree in the field of entertainment, preferably in the Music industry.
But before I can begin the difficult task of applying for a job, I must deal with starting grad school in the fall. I will be continuing my major and build upon the knowledge I have received at the hands of highly educated and experienced professionals.
I could not ask for better professors. I have gained an amazing amount of insight into several situations a PR professional can encounter just from listening to Lynne Farber's stories. I have also learned to strive for the highest goals through Rosanna Fiske. I may have cried and stressed myself way too much in my Integrated Marketing Communications Campaigns course, but without the extra push or words of encouragement, my team wouldn't have turned out such an amazing advertising and PR campaign.
I really do owe my success on those professionals who always believed in me.
Of course my family is also responsible for shaping me into what I am today, without my mom and dads constant backing and my sisters belief that I am not a failure, I was able to walk across that stage almost 7 years to the date when I ever stepped foot on the FIU campus.
IT would take a whole lot of paragraphs to thank everyone for all the help and encouragement, but I'll save some of those words for my songs.
I hope to get back into the swing of things and start writing some songs. I know have an amazing music studio in my house where I can sing and record at anytime of the day or night. It hasn't seen much of me lately, but I do try and play the amazing guitar my parents bought me for christmas.
Hopefully the next few blogs will be about my progress writing songs.