Monday, August 4, 2008

Yesterday I took my mom to Jungle Island. She had never been, but had heard mixed reviews about the place. We set out for our Jungle adventure at 10:00am. I took my 3 year old niece Katherine as well.

I have been to Jungle Island once before with some friends, and I had a great time. I pumped up the trip to my mom for about a week, so by the time Friday rolled around she was excited.

The first thing I wanted to show her was the Liger. My mom could not believe the enormity of the animal when I showed pictures from my first trip. It must have been too hot (about 94 degrees) because we just couldn't catch the Liger standing up and walking around. I don't blame him, it was too hot for my family and me as well. Good thing Jungle Island is covered in most areas, or we really wouldn't have been able to stand the heat.

I next took them to see the Crocosaurus. I was amazed by the creature on my first visit, so I just had to show my mom and neice. My niece was a bit scared, but my mom was amazed and just had to get pictures of the animal. My favorite is the story about the albino alligator and how it was sick until they brought in other alligators to keep it company. It's pretty amazing.

I really enjoyed the fact that there are so many great picture opportunities, and that J.I. allows guests to get so close to alot of animals. I personally enjoyed feeding the kangaroos and having our picture taken of the experience. I adore kangaroos so it made my day to be able to feed and pet them.

My moms favorite part of the day was when she finally realized a life long dream of petting a skunk. (yup you read right). She has always wanted to own a skunk and she had never come so close to one. She got to hold it and take pictures. I have never seen such a giant smile on her face when taking a picture with an animal. The skunk was soft and very sweet. Her name is Flower.

Katherine and I bottle fed the goats and got to feed pellets to the Llama. She kept calling it "Kuczo" like from theDisney film The Emperors New Groove. It was cute and she loved feeding the goats by baby bottle. We went back 4 times to get new bottles.

I think Katherine's favorite part of the day was meeting Lilo, the South African penguin. We even got to take a picture with Lilo and another of the penguins.

We had so many pictures taken that we bought a CD of all of them.
The experience I had yesterday is one that not many others may experience in their lifetime.
I will never forget feeding the kangaroos, petting a skunk, and sitting so close to an orangutang without any cages or glass to separate us.

I recommend taking your kids and even your parents to Jungle Island. You will experience things there that you may never again see in your life.

For more information about Jungle Island please visit their website at

Below are some pictures from our day at Jungle Island