Monday, March 3, 2008

Hallmark just wants your money

Re-posting from Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's only the first day of February and already I'm being constantly reminded of that this bullshit holiday we know as St. Valentine’s Day.

I believe that this holiday was created by the hallmark greeting card company to sell their cheesy cards, and sell candy, flowers and ugly ass teddy bears (that will get thrown out once you break up with your significant other).

Why do people that are in relationships like to shove it in peoples faces that don't have anyone? Is it necessary to remind people that the most dreaded holiday of the year is just a few days away?

And now my writing class was assigned a paper on the subject of "LOVE". seriously do we need to spoon feed this cheesiness to those who just want to stay in their P.J's ,curl up on the couch and watch a non romantic movie/show on TV?

I for one am totally against this corporate creation. And I not only blame every past boyfriend or person who has ruined this heinous holiday, but all the sappy valentine T.V. programs, romantic movies, commercials ,the candy hearts, boxed chocolate and endless isles of stuffed apes and annoying singing hamsters.

That’s just my opinion...