Monday, March 3, 2008

I almost Died

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I almost Died ( for real)
Current mood: thankful

I almost died tonight.

so I had to administer the exam for my teacher today beacuse my teacher is out of town for the week and decided to have me give his class the i do that and the last person left at exactly 8 pm. I then walked back to the office to lock up the exams, and then as i step outside to walk to the car, it starts pouring. Thank god I always carry my mini umbrella in my purse, so I run to the car in the rain. I have moms car tonight, because my car is at the mechanic.My stupid airbag light turned on like 3 wks ago and never turned off so now my mechanic has to figure out why its on.

So I am driving on I 95 which is so hard to do tonight , because it is a monsoon outside and i cant see well in front of me and of course everyone is driving like assholes (whats new?!). So like a few miles before that first airport exit it stops pouring, but the street is still slick from having rained. So naturally everyone decides that it is safe to go 300 miles an hour now. I start speeding up to keep up with traffic and i decide tochange lanes to get from in front of some jerk, when some truck decides at the very moment that he too wants to get in the lane i am moving towards,( i am already 3/4 in the lane) but the guy decides to lay on his horn and force me out, he almost hits me so i try to go back to the other lane, thats when my cars tires start slipping and I lose control of the car. I hydroplane through 4 lanes of traffic, I don't know how I missed all the cars speeding towards me, but my angel did a damn good job of guiding me all the way to the shoulder onto the grass. thats when i hit the brakes and re-gained control.

I sit in the car for like 3.5 minutes and gather myself. I decide that I dont feel too safe just sittin there at 8:30 when its already pretty dark. So, I put my blinker and try to get back on the highway, thats when it officially hits me that I almost died, and all because that stupid truck wanted to push me out of the lane!

I tried to call my sister sophie but she never answered, I didn't want to call my mom cuz i know she would get hysterical and make me more upset, so i called my sisters friend steven, thinking he would probably know where to find her, but he never answeredeither.

well i finally made it home with mascara blackened eyes from crying, (it's true what dane cook says, it feels like everyone is watching you cry hysterically when you are in your car alone)
anyway I am alive ( thank god) and i think i need a damn bear nap ( means= I need to hibernate, like my sister calls it when i sleep for days).

dammit i have to wake up at the crack of dawn to take my sister karen to work and then baby to daycare, so that i can borrow her car to go to work. beacuse my car is broken. ugh i am so tired. i need to quit this job, cuz its gonna kill me for sure.
good night. hope you all enjoyed my near death experience. I have stoped crying for now.